Testnet faucet

Join the testnet, set up your wallet, and request KII to launch your validator or try out the products.

The testnet is a great environment to test your validator setup before launch.

Testnet participation is a great way to signal to the community that you are ready and able to operate a validator.

Important to create your web wallet first and then link to the explorer app. Testnet explorer app: https://app.kiiglobal.io/

Wallet: https://wallet.kiiglobal.io/

Test KII can be found in the faucet in discord and can be called on every 24 hours.

Discord link: https://discord.com/invite/BGvUzQBdTn

List of available commands

  1. Request tokens:

$request [chain ID] [kii address]

  1. Query an address balance:

$balance [chain ID] [kii address]

  1. Query a transaction:

$tx_info [chain ID] [transaction hash ID]

  1. Query the faucet and node status:

$faucet_status [chain ID]

  1. Query the faucet address:

$faucet_address [chain ID]

Example request: "$request kiiventador kii1j7qzunvzx4cdqya80wvnrsmzyt9069d3gwhu5p "

Supported chain IDs


Last updated