Revised calls

Revised Calls 3.4.1


Request Payload changed for Market Buy Value - if Buy order and Value (decimal) parameter is supplied, the Market order will execute up to the value specified.


Old GetExchangeServiceIDs Response An array of strings representing service ids.

New GetExchangeServiceIds Response Array hard coded with a single entry: "Matching Engine"

        "Name": "V2ExchangeCore|1",
        "ServiceId": "Matching Engine"
        "URI": null


Old GetExchangeServiceIds Response A list of exchanges within a specified exchange service id.

New GetExchangeServiceIds Response Retrieves exchanges from "THE" mathcing engine as there can only ever be one as of 3.4


Behavior change, no longer has public permissions specified.

AddInstrument (DEPRECATED)

Behavior change, endpoint returns with bad request message specifying the endpoint is deprecated.

UpdateInstrument (DEPRECATED)

Behavior change, endpoint returns with bad request message specifying the endpoint is deprecated.


Behavior change from “Deprecated” to “Remove Association of Operator with User"

Last updated